Please contact the Conferences and Events Office at
mscreservations@uwstout.edu with any questions.

Here you can browse space availability and submit reservation requests for meetings.

To browse space availability only:

·         Under the browse tab on the left, choose either "Events" or "Locations."

·         You can narrow your search by changing location filters to your desired building(s).


To create a room reservation request:

·         Click "My Home" at the top of the page.

·         Login with your Stout user ID (@uwstout.edu is not needed) & password.

If you do not have an EMS Web App account click "Request an Account."

·         Choose "Create A Reservation."

·         Select the appropriate reservation template for your needs, click "Book Now."

·         Enter your meeting date & time, "Add/Remove" location preferences, click "Search."

·         Select your room choice by pressing the "+" beside the room listed.

·         Click "Next Step," adding features to your reservation until you get to the last page.

·         To submit your request click "Create Reservation."


If you experience any difficulty using this site, please contact:
Conferences and Events